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Julia Dem

My name is Julia, I am a volunteer from Ukraine and I will spend the next 9 months in Narva.

At Sädemeke kindergarten, I teach English to children. Now I work with six groups from 4 to 7 years old. I also help decorate the kindergarten.


In the near future, we also plan to organize a language cafe for teachers and organize a children's theater studio in English.

In Estonia, Teeme ära, a day of useful things, is traditionally held at the beginning of May!

This year kindergarten Sädemeke also joined this initiative and held a «Thank You Day!»

Together with the children from the preparatory groups, postcards were prepared to thank people to whom for some reason people rarely say «Thank you!».

Children made cute postcards for parents, teachers, firefighters, doctors, kitchen workers. Some were given immediately, while others are still awaiting their time.

Such an event allowed children to learn about such an initiative, to feel involved, and also to make happy those, to whom the card is intended.


went into a dream.
All the best,
Julia Dem.

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