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Kindergarten fee
Уважаемые родители!
на основании постановления Нарвского Горсобрания, принятого 17.08.2008 №6 §2 п 1, 2
плата за место с 01.01.2024
36,25 евро в месяц в ясельной и садовой группе.
Уважаемые родители!
С 1 мая стоимость питания в детских садах Нарвы повышается на 30 центов
С 1 мая 2023 года решениями попечительских советов детских садов города Нарвы было решено поднять стоимость питания на 30 центов в день. Таким образом, стоимость одного дня питания составит:
Ясельная группа– 2,10 евро Садовая группа – 2,30 евро
Завтрак – 0,60 евро Завтрак – 0,65 евро
Обед – 0,95 евро Обед – 1,05 евро
Ужин – 0,55 евро Ужин – 0,60 евро
Повышение обусловлено произошедшим в последнее время подорожанием цен на продовольственные товары.
Nursery - 1.60 euros per day
Kindergarten - 1.80 euros per day
Part covered by parents from 01.01.2021
Nursery, kindergarten - 29.20 euros per month
The parental share is used as follows:
30% of the parental share is used to cover educational expenses;
70% of the parental share is used to cover the activity costs.
In the event that two children from the same family registered in the city of Narva attend child care institutions (if children and at least one legal representative of the children are registered in the city of Narva), then the amount of the parental share paid for each child is 75% from the size of the parental share accrued to this child, and if three or more children from the same family attend child care institutions registered in the city of Narva, the family is completely exempted from paying the parental share.
Parents receive invoices for meals, school expenses and place in the kindergaten from the group teachers at the beginning of each month.
The required details for paying bills are indicated in the invoices themselves. It is also necessary to indicate in the payment order the obligatory reference number, which is also indicated in the invoice for payment.
The desired time to pay bills for the child's stay in kindergarten is no later than the 25th of the current month.
If the parents, when paying bills for the kindergarten, have a debt for more than one month, please contact the head immediately to resolve this issue.
If the child, for a number of reasons, does not attend kindergarten for more than one month, then the parent must write a written statement to the head of the kindergarten about the temporary absence of the child in kindergarten.